sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013


Watch the video and after that write down all the opposites you have learnt with Debbie and friends.



4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Sheila,
    I like this song. It is simple but it's very complete. You can study the opposites as the same time that you work differents skills, listening, writing also pronunciation.
    Thank you for the idea,

  2. Hello Sheila:
    You have found a very interesting resource to improve vocabulary. The song is easy and clear, and pictures show the meaning os each word. Children can learn the song like a funny activity but they will be learning at the same time.
    Definitely I would use this video in my class.
    Thank you!

  3. Hi Sheila:

    congratulations for your blog!
    I think this song is very appropiate for students to vocabulary.
    Maybe will be a good idea don't show the video to pay attention to the correct activity.

  4. Hello Sheila,

    Nice activity lo learn opposites. It's engaging and pedagogical.Nevertheless I miss some kind of worksheet to write down the words. Thanks for the video and the idea, I'm sure our students will love it.

    Mari Carmen
